Saturday 18 January 2014

Lazy Days 18/01/2014

Now during pregnancy I know you are meant to exercise at least a little bit, but at the moment im just way to tired to do anything.
I wish I had the energy.

Does anyone know any really simple exercises I could be doing??

But anyway it wasnt a completely wasted day as I spent the day trying to find some baby names I really liked.

Seeing as my name has a welsh origin I really want to give my baby a welsh name.
Unfortunately its harder than I thought so here is the names I decided I like and only one is welsh haha.

- Bryce
- Leland
- Imogen

Also why is girls names so hard to pick??

On the plus side havent been feeling sick today! But im sure my mother is trying to jinx me by asking me if I am throwing up yet.
We will see what the future holds

Anyway I hope tomorrow is more eventful, do something exciting.
Sorry it wasnt so exciting

Much Love <3

Welcome Everyone...

I just want to explain what this blog is about, well recently my life has changed for the better and I found out I was pregnant! :)

This is just a chance to tell my stories from throughout my pregnancy and to help others like me. A place to rant, have a laugh and share this amazing time of life.

Just to catch you all up on the what has been happening and a bit about myself.

Im 18 live with my fiancé who I have been with for 4 years and my 10 month old rottweiler.
I am 3 months pregnant with my first scan in the next few days.. so this is the start of my story.

I hope you enjoy it....

Much Love <3